2016 Pre-Rally Golf

2016 North American Heartland Owners Rally – Las Vegas


Club Member Len Trujillo is coordinating a Pre-Rally Golf Outing.  See the details below.

When: October 5th @ 9:00 am (first tee time, then every 8 minutes)

Where: The Legacy Golf Club, 130 Par Excellence Drive, Henderson, NV 89074 (about a 20 minute drive)

Cost: $79 (includes cart and range balls)

Format: TBD

Meet: Plan to meet in front of the Oasis office at 8:00 am so we can car pool.

Return: We plan to be done golfing and back to Oasis in time to clean up and make the Pre-Rally Chili Dog Meet and Greet at Casablanca Commons at Oasis.

Questions: Call Len Trujillo – 505-660-3523 or email – lensuz@msn.com

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